Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Survey Results

My survey was about the Reading Rockets Football Team made the playoffs and how if you would go to the playoff game Friday night and if you go to support your team or to just hangout with friends. I had 10 responses. Question 1 was if you were a teacher or student, 9 chose student and 1 person chose teacher. Question 2 was what grade are you in and if you were a teacher you didn't have to answer this question, There was 5 seniors, 2 juniors, and 3 sophomores. Question 3, was do you support you school teams, and 8 said yes 1 said no and 1 said maybe. Question 4, was have you been to any football games Friday night, 8 said yes and 2 said no. Question 5 was, would you go to the playoff game Friday night, 8 said yes and 2 said no. So pretty much 8 kids from d block marketing class would show up to the playoff game this Friday night.    

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